I’ve been blogging for more than half my life. I’ve blogged about design and web development, I’ve participated in some shitty memes on Tumblr, I’m Twitter user twenty-thousand, I have several Instagram accounts, and I’m pre-producing a podcast. But the one thing I’ve never tried is a blog in the style I like to read them.

My favourite sites have always been clearly focused on personality and opinion. Andy Baio, Jason Kottke and John Gruber are among my regular visits. And their self-governed sites are comfortable places. No ugly ads, no corporate interests. But it’s people like Rani Baker and blogs like The Queerness who have made me feel more strongly about expressing myself. At the very least, it will be a place for friends in remote places to catch up with me. At best, I’ll be able to write things that matter to people beyond my social circle.

I might still talk about business or design. I might still post terrible jokes or cute pictures. But now I can also write more personal things. I own every part of the production, so I know it’s all in my control. And while it doesn’t mean that much in practice, it helps me to know I’m building my own space.