A recent issue of Batman reveals an interesting split in trans opinions. Not a sentence I ever thought I’d write, but it’s 2017, what are you gonna do. A new character is introduced. Dr Victoria October is a bio-weaponry expert with a white streak in jet-black hair. She’s the obvious Extravagant Scientist, and she’s introduced with a single page that has shown a divided reaction amongst my friends. Let me first show you the page, courtesy of Bleeding Cool.

The image shows the scientist introducing herself with a range of references to the act of transitioning. ‘Oh, we go way back. Before I started consulting with Argus. That was my pupal stage’.

The reactions were split in two general lines of thought. On the one side, people loved that she uses in-language – essentially trans jargon – to hint at things without explicitly stating her gender identity. On the other side, the criticism focused on the fact that using jargon among strangers is a dick move. So while the language is subtle enough when it comes to the root of the topic, it is very conspicuous to use insider language around strangers.

The conflict is that it is great that she exists and uses terms that trans people use in the real world, but that it isn’t great that she’s being a dramatic nerd about it. I think a probable relation in these conflicting feelings is how trans people themselves feel about blending in. Some people are proudly trans, and some wish to quietly pass. Me, I don’t like the jargon. It’s showy and awkward and leaves people feeling stupid. But I fully support her existence.